Procedure for Getting a Dental Bridge
Initial Consultation: The dentist examines your teeth and takes X-rays to assess the need for a bridge and the health of the abutment teeth.
Tooth Preparation: The abutment teeth are reshaped to accommodate the crowns that will hold the bridge in place.
Impressions: An impression of your teeth is taken to create a model for the bridge, pontics, and crowns.
Temporary Bridge: A temporary bridge may be placed to protect the exposed teeth and gums while the permanent bridge is being made.
Fitting the Permanent Bridge: Once the permanent bridge is ready, the temporary bridge is removed, and the new bridge is adjusted and cemented into place.
Benefits of Dental Bridges
Restores Function: Allows you to chew and speak properly.
Maintains Facial Shape: Prevents the sunken appearance that can occur with missing teeth.
Prevents Tooth Movement: Stops adjacent teeth from shifting out of position.
Improves Aesthetics: Replaces missing teeth, enhancing your smile.
A dental bridge can last many years and provide a functional and aesthetic solution to missing teeth.
A consultation is necessary to determine if a dental crown is the right choice for your specific needs. Contact us today to book an appointment!